Jexmon Trading Platform | Stock trading with a reliable broker.

Privacy Policy

jexmontradingplatform gives this Privacy Policy to educate clients of our arrangements and procedures with respect to the collection, use and exposure of actually recognizable data got from clients of this website, located at ("Site"). This Privacy Policy might be refreshed from time to time in any way; every version will apply to data gathered while it was set up. We will inform you of any material changes to our Privacy Policy by posting the new Privacy Policy on our Site. You are encouraged to counsel this Privacy Policy routinely for any changes.

By giving us such data, you are giving us your agree to collect, use and store the data in the way clarified hereto.

Collected Data

Personally Identifiable Information: When perusing the non-password ensured segments of Prime24 Options`s Site, it is done as such namelessly; no privately recognizable data is collected. When index.phping into an enlisted client of jexmontradingplatform, it is mentioned that an email address, username and a secret key to get to our Site is given. The law requires customers to give Trading/Mining data (e.g., to what extent they have been Trading/Mining, favored Trading/Mining style, and so forth.) and a profile portrayal. When a customer index.phps with jexmontradingplatform and signs in to the Site, they are never again anonymous to jexmontradingplatform.

As an enlisted client, the law expects customers to give jexmontradingplatform Ltd. with the vital accreditations to get to their brokerage account (for example client ID, secret word, and data important to get to their record).jexmontradingplatform will never get to your records for any reason other than to recover customer Trading/Mining information and give the administrations they have mentioned. Customers can de-enact their record in any capacity whenever and jexmontradingplatform will erase the majority of your private recognizable data from its servers. jexmontradingplatform will not keep a duplicate of actually recognizable data for any reasons upon record deactivation aside from as might be required by law or to generally secure protect legal rights.

Data Security

When visiting the Site, jexmontradingplatform may collect data through "cookies" or other comparable Web devices to improve the client experience. Cookies are little strings of content that are sent by our Site to your program on your PC's hard drive. Cookies empower jexmontradingplatform to perceive Site guests when they return to the Site, to keep up Web sessions while perusing all through the Site, just as help jexmontradingplatform give a superior, progressively customized involvement. jexmontradingplatform's cookies are not tied to private recognizable data. Most Web programs consequently acknowledge cookies; however, it is conceivable to change browser setup with the goal that it does not accept cookies. Also, dismissing cookies may avert guests exploiting certain parts of our Site.

When browsing jexmontradingplatform's Site, jexmontradingplatform Ltd. automatically gets and records data on its server logs from the guest's browser including your IP address, jexmontradingplatform cookie data, and the pages requested. jexmontradingplatform utilizes this data to improve the usefulness and ease of use of its services. jexmontradingplatform's log records are not fixing to private identifiable data.

jexmontradingplatform utilizes secure server programming (SSL) and firewalls to shield all data from unapproved access, exposure, adjustment, or destruction.

How jexmontradingplatform uses Collected Data

Client Service: Based upon the individual recognizable data gave amid the registration procedure, jexmontradingplatform sends a welcome email to confirm the record. jexmontradingplatform will connect with enrolled clients in the response to their request in order to give the services mentioned and deal with the account.

Brokerage Information: clients of the Site may give jexmontradingplatform the qualifications to get to their brokerage account to recover their Trading/Mining data. This data is just used to acquire Trading/Mining history for the record and this data and is not available anyplace on the Site.

Data Sharing and Disclosure: jexmontradingplatform Does Not Reveal Any Private Identifiable Information. jexmontradingplatform will not distribute any close to private identifiable data (for example name, email address or contacts) on the Site for others to see without the enlisted client's express authorization, except if the client themselves posts it on the Site.

jexmontradingplatform Ltd:

  1. Does not lease or share any private recognizable data;
  2. Does not lease or impart any private recognizable data to outsiders that are not our operators or specialist providers.

May give client data if legitimately required.

May be required to give client data under the accompanying conditions: in the response of subpoenas, court orders, or lawful procedure or to build up or practice our legitimate rights or shield against real or compromised lawful cases. Moreover, when jexmontradingplatformtrusts it is important to share data so as to research, avert or make a move with respect to illicit exercises or exercises which it trusts offer ascent to legitimate liability to jexmontradingplatform, its individuals or third persons, suspected extortion, circumstances including potential dangers to the physical security of any individual, infringement of jexmontradingplatform's Terms of Use, or as generally required by law.

Persons Under the Age of 18

In consistency with most national legitimate systems, we do not allow people under the age of 18 years to be our clients, and we will not gather data from people younger than 18. By utilizing our Site, you confirm that you are beyond 18 years old.

Final Statement

On the off chance that you have any inquiries or remarks about this Privacy Policy or our utilization of your actually identifiable data, please do not hesitate and contact us.

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